Young Jane Seymour 1/21/2024

Isn’t he embarrassed by his newest bride?

His last at the Green Tower, waiting to die

A confidant, a cousin, beheaded for death

Her body laid to rest alongside baby’s breath

Take that as a sign, young Jane Seymour

Take comfort in anything shiny you adore

Your days will be lonely and your nights his

Until the dawn a baby grows and metabolizes

Finally giving this vile man what he wants

Decades of desire, monarchy and its taunts

Someone indebted forever to him, a citizen

Raised on gold, structure, and discipline

You’ve become a vessel for the perfect son

A young heir with two marriages undone

The perfect successor of a man so crass

Stuck in a round room of venetian glass

Lapis lazuli, gold, silk threads, and linen

Dressed in all purple, a Tudor era villain

La Diablesse (Attenuate) 8/29/2024

As he reaches for my hand i have to wonder

If anything else would possibly pull him under

Centuries of colonial rule by any other name

All come down to his everlasting shame

And the feeling of cultivating sugar cane

Sits on my fingertips like colonized pain

Oh woe is me! Is this all that I can do?

The promise of revenge and a little voodoo?

He vies for the “exotic” features of women

Tough from work but sweet like persimmon

Control is the only thing they really want

But I have never been known for a detente

A savant, I only use my powers for good

So fuck it! I’m cleaning up the neighborhood

I’ll take the white man for all that he’s worth

My hoof in the dirt, I’ll bring him down to earth

I heard my grandmother cry from the coast

A harrowing feeling, to hear from a ghost

But I’m not so afraid of what once was

As cicadas circle around my head abuzz

I always find my next target quite easily

As I stand in the shadows indecently

The memories of my kin I accentuate

The enslavement of my people, attenuate


A head buried under sand will not rise to the surface

But the ocean herself will reveal any lost purpose

Pulled by the moon, another one of her concubine,

While littered with needles of a Monterey pine

“Oh wondrous goddess! Grant me safe passage!”

But it wasn’t enough, no body left to salvage

As the waves pulls in trinkets of body and mind

Brain matter splattered on the rocks as a sign

The ocean huffs and she puffs with sentience

Sending waves to the heavens, jealous or envious

While the moon dreams only of its rivalry sun

The lingering heat is pulled away one by one

Another human come to pass by way of waves

A single day to feel honored, loved, or praised

Perhaps all are searching for what is amiss

With only vague reachings of touch to reminisce

The powers we control are easily compared

But all will fall victim if arriving unprepared


he misses chain restaurants and taking it slow

I love him enough but I don’t want to go

the heat makes me feel like i’m going to die

I imagine you laughing as I sit down to cry

the seasons never change and I burn from within

for the city of angels it just feels like a sin

to want something else when I just want him

the chances of longevity are always so slim

he tells me it's okay and I don’t need to leave

doesn’t he care how I look as I fall to my knees?

a fucking dam is breaking inside of my head

leaking down my face and onto my bed

I am 70% made of dirty human water

skin and bones that feel most like fodder

but love is the only thing that changes me

from a human to the being that I want to be

a symptom of addiction, dreaming of love again

wanting something so bad I’ll break and I’ll bend

the desire to choose someone every single day

and never believe the weight of the things they say

he’s choking me out, fingers crushing vocal chords

like I’m 15 again parked outside the cv loards

mike’s voice breaks through all of the noise

“there are more important things in the world than boys”